
My Favorite Leadership Style: The Benevolent Dictator

There is a great debate amongst businesspeople as to which leadership style is the “best” leadership style. A quick search on “which leadership style should I use” will produce literally millions of results covering hundreds of different types of leadership. So it’s...

Leadership Lesson #3: Closing The Loop

I don't know about you, but I LOVE starting things. New businesses, new projects, new conversations. If it’s NEW, I love it. This is one of the characteristics that most entrepreneurs share. It’s what makes us get out of bed in the morning and do the things that “mere...

When Micromanaging is the Best Strategy

No one is exactly sure where the term micromanaging came from, but when asked if it was ever okay to micromanage your employees, most small business owners would respond with a resounding NO! This level of hyper control has been shown to drive both motivation and...

My Personal Guide to Help You Build Your Own Junto

Benjamin Franklin is one of the most well-known historical Americans having invented or having significant influence upon our understanding of such things as electricity, ocean currents, population, and demography and meteorology. He even invented the most popular...

Leadership Lesson #1: Banks of the River

Entrepreneurs ae habitual micromanagers. Most of the time this stems from a single fear; Fear that their employees won’t do the job “right” (whatever that means). While there are plenty of strategies for getting employees to the point where we can trust them to do the...