I read lots of books. One of the things that happens when you read so much, is that you forget the lessons from one book if you don’t immediately apply them, or even worse you mistakenly combine lessons from one book with contradictory lessons from another another and...
My Favorite Centering Exercise: THE LONG AND RAMBLING EMAIL
“I don’t know what I want!” is a lament that I get from clients all the time. They know they want SOMETHING, but often times that comes in the form of “shoulds” that have been prescribed by someone else: parents, teachers, self-help gurus, industry standards, or the...
DO ONE THING: Stop Trying to Do Everything
PROCESS OVER PRODUCT: Why Habits Are More Important Than Goals
Alabama football coach Nick Saban wins football games. He also wins national championships...with regularity. During the eleven years Saban has served as head football coach, Alabama has compiled an overall official record of 146-21, 14 bowl game appearances with 10...
Talent Doesn’t Matter: Why Consistent Effort Always Works
When it comes to achievement, there is good news and bad news. The good news is that we are often talented in the area of our giftedness. For instance, I believe that one of my gifts is that of being able to quickly a) see the path to a solution for a client and b)...
If CrossFit Can Do It…H.I.I.T. For Your Business”: Using Selective Intensity To Rapidly Improve
For many years now I’ve had a regular workout program. This program changes over time, but I rarely go for long periods without working on some “program.” For a long period of time (nearly three years) I was training for the Leadville 100 Mountain Bike Race. Before...
Why You Should STOP LEARNING And Start Applying The Lessons You’ve Learned
Okay, don’t STOP learning. I’m a HUGE advocate of learning. I listen to up to 7 different podcasts each week. I read 20-30 books a year. (Nobody reads 52 books a year) I subscribe to several business and coaching specific newsletters and feeds that I comb through...
You Can’t “Create” Culture! Hearts, Habits and How Things Are Done Here
After “How do I make more money?” and “What can I do to free up more of my time?” one of the questions I’m asked most often in my coaching practice is “How do I create a great culture?” My simple answer to my clients, and to you, is that you can’t. You can’t make...
How and Why You Should Speak Professionally
You’re Overthinking Time Management: How To Actually Get Shit Done
In the early 2000’s I was introduced to a book by David Allen called Getting Things Done. At the time, the book was something of a cult- classic, and many of the people whothat I interacted with on a regular basis were raining praise on this new system of organizing...
A Simple Strategy You Can Use To Uncomplicate Your Life
In his book, The ONE Thing: The Surprisingly Simple Truth Behind Extraordinary Results, Gary Keller implores us to ask the question: “What’s the ONE Thing I can do such that by doing it everything else will be easier or unnecessary?" The idea behind this question is...
Why The Holidays are Actually The Best Time to Start Something New
Well folks, it’s that time of the year again. As we roll into December and start preparing for Christmas, many of us are also looking forward to the New Year. It’s time for setting high hopes and making new lofty goals, right? New Year’s Resolutions are a pretty big...
How To Unplug This Season and Beyond Kill Your Notifications
I’m certain that the developers of the iPhone had nothing but the best intentions when designing the life-changing device. The ability to communicate from anywhere, organize your life on the go and even take all of your personal entertainment with you could really...
Ten Lessons from the Christmas Classic It’s a Wonderful Life
Each year, starting in around October, my family is forced (by me) to watch hours upon hours of Christmas Movies. I generally ease them in gently with movies that aren't overtly Christmassy like Home Alone, Love Actually and Gremlins (yep, it’s a Christmas movie), but...
Use Task Batching to Get More Shit Done
My Networking Secret Weapon: Friday Breakfast Club
Man, oh man, do I like breakfast! There’s nothing better to me than three eggs, tons of bacon, and a few pancakes smothered with butter and REAL maple syrup. Well, maybe nothing better EXCEPT being able to share this deliciousness with another person. Back in 2010,...