Why You Don’t Have To Feel Good To Do Good

“If only I could just FEEL better, THEN I could [insert important action here]…” I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard this from my clients and friends over the years: I would go work out, but I‘m just not feeling it right now… As soon as I feel better, I’ll...

What the Grinch Can Teach Us About Making Friends

My Dad spent the majority of his career as an officer in the United States Air Force. Which meant that I spent nearly all of my childhood moving from place to place following my Dad around to his next promotion. Growing up as a military “brat” was actually pretty...

Why The Holidays are Actually The Best Time to Start Something New

Well folks, it’s that time of the year again. As we roll into December and start preparing for Christmas, many of us are also looking forward to the New Year. It’s time for setting high hopes and making new lofty goals, right? New Year’s Resolutions are a pretty big...

How To Unplug This Season and Beyond Kill Your Notifications

I’m certain that the developers of the iPhone had nothing but the best intentions when designing the life-changing device. The ability to communicate from anywhere, organize your life on the go and even take all of your personal entertainment with you could really...

Repurposing A Danish Winter Tradition: Hygge for Business

It’s no secret to my friends that, although I’m probably less than 15% Danish, I love my Danish heritage. At my wedding my mother made a Danish wedding cake and we froze 25 bottles of the “delightfully” caraway and dill flavored Danish Aquavit in blocks of ice and our...