COMPOUNDING SUCCESS: Little Changes Build On One Another

I read lots of books. One of the things that happens when you read so much, is that you forget the lessons from one book if you don’t immediately apply them, or even worse you mistakenly combine lessons from one book with contradictory lessons from another another and...

You Can’t Save Your Way To Prosperity: KNOW WHEN TO SPEND

Dave Ramsey is awesome. I love his stuff. I think his book Total Money Makeover, his radio show, and his financial literacy course, Financial Peace University, are amazing tools for people who want to get control of their personal finances. There’s only one problem:...

You’re Not Going To Die, So Do Something: HOW TO KILL ANXIETY

As most of you know by now, in early 2016 I went through a major battle with acute and crippling anxiety that nearly ended my life. For those of you who haven’t heard that story yet, here are the “CliffsNotes”: Fall of 2015 – Started feeling “confused.” Dreading...

My Favorite Centering Exercise: THE LONG AND RAMBLING EMAIL

“I don’t know what I want!” is a lament that I get from clients all the time. They know they want SOMETHING, but often times that comes in the form of “shoulds” that have been prescribed by someone else: parents, teachers, self-help gurus, industry standards, or the...